It's been a little while since I posted and updated you on what was going on so I thought I would just drop you a quick update tonight.
I've been away on holiday and have had a couple of pretty bad weeks either side as well so I've struggling with the blogging thing recently.
Here's for the good stuff though!
I got my little frog lizard friend back last week from being fired and here he is!!
I'm really quite pleased with him. He's anything but perfect but I like the way that he came out.
I think it can safely be said that I didn't mix up the orange and the yellow paints in between coats too as the legs came out the right colours.
The stars also worked as well as I had hoped as well. Not too much runny paint.
The only thing that I do wish that I had done slightly differently was to be a little bit more careful in trying to join up the colours from the legs to the body a little bit better. There are a couple of white gaps that I wish I had avoided.
I will try to catch up with you a little bit more as soon as I can with some of the other things that I have been up to. I am really really happy with him though.
I think he will end up with some glossy black eyes if my hubby gets his hands on him.
Maybe time for me now to find a little sneaky hiding place for him tucked safely out of the way. I think he may go into my crafty room.
Have a good night. Sleep well.