Friday, 1 May 2015

Quarter of my runner done

Not meaning to sound like a boring executive from some kind of monthly/quarterly newsletter but it's been a good start to the year with a strong quarter 1... Ok, seriously I have completed the first quarter of the weather table runner that I am working on.

This month was the first month that I have used average temperatures instead of the low temperatures that I started the year with. I have been a little worried about how this month was going to look on the runner as the temperatures were remaining fairly constant at the start of the month. I thought to start with that I was going to have to re-think my plan as the first 9 days of the month were all purple. I did stick with it and there have been a few more varied days later on this month. Even towards the end there was one day that was cold enough to create a light blue stripe.

Towards the end of March was also very purple only broken up by the white stripe between the months but definitely the end of the month has rescued the runner and brought the colour back into the runner.
I think that my crocheting has become more and more loose this month meaning that the runner looks like it is getting wider - I have checked and it isn't any wider than at the beginning - there are the same number of stitches! I will have to try and even this out throughout the rest of the year but this might also actually need washing and blocking before I can use it next year.

Hopefully the colours next month will still be fairly varied. I am going to carry on with the average temperatures throughout the next 2 months as planned but let's hope that it starts to get a little warmer with more green showing through and perhaps slightly less purple!

Watch this space for how the next month pans out and let's hope for some varied weather so that my table runner remains interesting!

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