Yesterday I didn't manage to do too many as I was so tired from my week at work. The 9:30 bedtimes this week obviously still weren't enough. I did do a few but also managed to fall asleep through two films that me and the hubby tried to watch.
Today the whole sewing experience was made a much more pleasant and comfortable for the last few squares as I am wearing my new PJ bottoms. I have to say that these are by far the comfiest item of clothing that I have ever owned. I really wish that these were suitable everyday attire. I would never get out of them!
And the final coloured squares that I had to finish somehow seemed to be the ones that perfectly match the colours of my trousers!
This is the whole pile of ends that I have weaved in and cut off in the last few days. I wish that they could be more useful. I can use them as stuffing for something at some point I'm sure.
This means that I should now have 196 squares all finished and ready to be sewn/crocheted together into a blanket. I am really looking forward to working out the placement of each of the colours.Today I have also sorted through my wardrobe and sent a lot of things that I no longer wear either to the charity shop or the clothes bank. It feels like a really good job done and one that's needed doing for qua while. This means that I now have a fair a,punt of fabric to chop up and turn into something new. I have a number of different coloured jeans to chop up - this is one thing that I have been waiting for for a while now. I really want to turn them into a denim skirt of some sort with all of the different colours incorporated.
And lastly but by no means least, we have made a couple more banana cakes today. One will be saved for our holiday- they keep really well in the freezer and defrost almost better than when they have gone in. One will go into work with me tomorrow. The last small piece that I took in didn't last too long and was enjoyed by my colleagues so I thought another one might go down well too. Hopefully it won't last too long again.
Have a good week - I hope that you all have some lovely cake to enjoy tomorrow and the weather stays good too. This afternoon we went out to sit in the sun for a little bit - I think that we managed about half an hour before the clouds rolled in. A little annoying as it was gorgeously warm when we took my car for its first shower and scrub. The rain did stay off tonight, or at least it has so far. Let's hope that we have no more storms like the one last night that woke us up with a huge thunder and lightening clap directly above our house at about 3 in the morning. It was quite impressive and relaxing to sit up for half an hour or so to watch the sky light up. I think that the initial noise that woke me up was made all the worse as the rain hadn't even started at he time of the noise above the house.
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