Sunday, 31 July 2016

A bit of a daft day

It has been a bit of a daft day really but one that I have really really enjoyed. I think I was in need of this kind of lovely fun craziness.

I was woken this morning by the smell of bacon crisping and came downstairs to pretty much my favourite ever breakfast. Pancakes, maple syrup, and bacon. It was awesome! The pancakes even had raisins in. Yum!
Henlow joined us for breakfast and added fantastic comedy value by trying to a few minutes to walk under this radiator pipe. He has some fantastically smart ideas at times!
We then had to pop out for some shopping. I had seen something online the other day about making some toffee vodka so we treated ourselves to a bottle of vodka and a packet of Werther's Originals. Here is the website that I found the recipe on.

Basically all you have to do is open a full packet of Werther's sweets. Pour them into a sterilised mason jar and add vodka.

This is a full packet of Werther's
Topped up with an entire bottle of vodka
And as soon as we started to shake it, the toffee's started to dissolve into the vodka.
It doesn't look the prettiest after the first shake up but we can only hope that it turns a lovely toffee colour in time. The recipe says to leave the sweets to dissolve for 2 whole days in order for them to completely disappear so we are hoping that the colour will change in this time too.

While we were out I had been saying that I wanted to do something a bit active today - I wasn't sure what but just something a little bit daft playing about in the garden or something. Adam had the idea of playing some ball sports in the garden. I know that he really wanted to try to teach me to play cricket a little bit so we needed a softer ball to play with than a real cricket ball. We got a slightly softer plastic-y version when we went to a toy shop.

While we were there I also found something that I thought could be fun. A skateboard! I had been wanting to do something a bit daft and active so when we saw these in the shop I thought that this would be the perfect thing for me to try. I wasn't sure where I was going to be able to practice but Adam pointed out that we live in a quiet little cut de sac so the road should be fine.

I had a really good time practicing - we even spoke to a bunch of teenagers who came past - they were lovely. They laughed at me a little bit when Adam said that I am nearly 30 and wanted to try to skateboard for the first time but then they had a go and tried to show me what to do. It was nice.

Here is a little video of one of my first attempts. I will need a lot more practice but I don't think it's too bad for a first attempt!

This afternoon I went out again for a bit more practice and was getting a bit better at pushing myself along and keeping the board moving. So much so that I think I got a little bit cocky. I ended up hitting a little pot hole in the road and went absolutely flying. I landed on both hands, my right elbow and right hip. The pads broke my fall a little and protected my hands from some good grazes, the elbow pads helped a little but I still have a little graze on my right elbow. I haven't had a graze since I was little. I have to admit, I'm a little bit proud of my first skateboarding injury!
The vodka has been shaken a fair few times today in between playing some cricket and french cricket (which was actually a lot more fun that proper cricket!) and skateboarding. I know it says in the recipe to wait for 2 days for it to be ready but it also says that it's done when all of the sweets have melted. I don't know if it's because we used 1l of vodka instead of the 70cl that it says in the recipe or what but I'm fairly sure that it has to be ready.

It has changed colour a little bit more and become a nicer honey kind of colour
And decanted back into it's original bottle it still looks nice too. It's such a shame that the sweets had made it so that there was ever so slightly too much for the liquid to fit back in here. We might just have to try a little shot before bed.
Cheers and happy weekend!

The following is the final photo for today and I think that this one pretty much sums up most of our day. A good one has been had by all here. The cider and nachos were a mid afternoon snack and accompaniment to tonights dinner of homemade chilli.
I hope that you have had just as lovely a day on your Sunday. Have a good week and I'll speak to you soon.

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