Tuesday 15 August 2017

It's all over / half way done

Well, last night I finally gave in and we watched the last few episodes of Awkward. It was a good ending and everything finished as it should have done really. There were no silly outrageous plot lines made up just to try to finish everything off. It was all tidied up very nicely but you were left guessing a little bit but also left to believe that the right thing would happen eventually and everyone would be happy.

There will be that gap in our lives now tonight - I'm not totally sure what is really going to fill it as we were so invested in those characters but I'm sure there will some new characters and therefore new people that we feel like we will get to know in whatever we decide to watch next.

So last night was a little bit emotional. I knew that I would be upset anyway just that it was over - I know I'm pathetic like that but there was also the soppy ending (or nearly soppy ending that turned out good anyway) that I wanted. To distract myself just a little bit, I picked up my crochet and at some points had to REALLY concentrate on what I was doing with it (not at all a distraction to stop me crying, honest!)

I have been wanting to catch up with this for a long time now and I wouldn't say that I am fully there but at least I am half way. I managed to catch up with the rows to the end of June and that means to the end of this piece at least. For those of you that haven't ready my blogs from the beginning, or at least for a fair while, the last few years I have been crocheting a row a day with the colour depending on the temperatures for the day. The post that I have linked to later on explains how I have worked out the temperatures but here also is a picture of the page in my BuJo that I record it all.
For 3 months, I use the high temperature of the day, 3 months the low temperature and the remaining 6 months I use an average to determine which colour to crochet my row. Once I have done my row for each day I then colour in the corresponding square in my book too to show that I have done it.

I think the crochet's looking pretty good so far this year. This shows up to the end of June.
The colours really have changed from the beginning of the year with the purples and blues to June being a lot of red (we had a really warm week) and orange.

Let's see how it compares to last year. Here is the same blog post basically but from last year which also explains the scale for the colours too if you're interested.
I guess I didn't finish the ends of the runner off in quite the same way last year - there is more of a white border this year but otherwise they are looking pretty similar. I guess we had slightly more really cold weather this year (less than 0) as there is a bit more purple in this years runner, although having said that last year it maintained the cold for longer periods when it did get down that low.

There seems to be a bit more green in the middle this year so perhaps it was slightly warmer around March/April time this year. The summer is looking pretty similar too really. Again maybe slightly warmer for longer this year as there is a bigger red block I think but only slightly.

I love the way that they turn out and both look very similar but also that little bit different too each time I make them.

Looking at these does remind me that I really need to get a move on with sewing last years crochet strips together into a cushion cover. I think I have managed to sew in all of the ends already which is an achievement in itself so now all I have to do is to sew the two strips together and then fold it into a cushion cover. I will make that my mission over the next few weeks so that I can show you a finished product and before I end up getting the 3 strips in a muddle. I only have photos to distinguish which is which so the muddling is a distinct possibility.

When I've made them up into cushion covers I think I should sew a year into them or something to show when they are from. Or maybe I should use funky buttons for the years. Ooh - I might need ideas for this one. If anyone has any suggestions then please let me know what I can use to differentiate.

Does anyone else do anything to distract themselves while they're watching TV? I know that I much prefer crafts that I can do on the sofa to ones that I have to go and hide away in another room to do, although I guess sometimes they do have their uses.

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