Saturday 2 February 2013

Craft swap parcel arrived today!!!

This morning my husband got up and went out to work leaving me in bed. I was just settling in to a lovely lye in when I was awoken by what sounded like a parcel dropping through the door. In my sleepy state I didn't figure out straight away what this might be but after a few seconds I realised that this was probably my craft swap parcel arriving from the lovely Hannah.

I knew this would be arriving shortly as (funny story!) we had spoken about it being posted to me on Friday. The story goes like this - Hannah hasn't been feeling too well recently and during her recovery a few days ago she posted out two parcels to people. When one arrived with a lady called Rose, she got what sounded like a very giggly phone call. It went something along the lines of this parcel really isn't designed for me - these gifts really aren't designed for me at all and my name isn't Kate. Hannah had wrapped up both parcels at the same time and then sent the wrong ones to the wrong people. She had received my parcel on Thursday and when I returned home from work found the one for her on my doormat. This contained a lovely mini blanket with a cat on it but obviously wasn't designed for me. You can see the pictures of Hannah's blog if you click the link above.

On Friday we both went to our respective postal places and sent the parcels on the the correct people. And woohoo we're back to the beginning of this story and to me receiving my parcel.

It was very difficult to contain my excitement this morning long enough to take photos of the package as I opened it but I think I did pretty well - here goes:
 A lovely little card came inside the outer bag
 And the actual goodies were all wrapped in tissue paper
 Here's the note that she sent
 And the contents of the tissue paper
 These were some really pretty flowers - I'm not entirely sure what I will do with these yet - I have just spoken to Hannah and she said that she had planned to crochet a garland to connect them but didn't quite manage so this is an idea I might do and then hang them in my crafty room once it is all decorate next weekend.
 These are some little squares of fabric in a kind of vintage theme maybe to go with the old singer sewing machine I spoke about here. I love how thoughtful everything that I have received has been.
 I think this has to be my absolute favourite - a tiny little quilt, similar size to a cushion with a tortoise on - this is absolutely amazing. I can't believe how much thought and effort has gone into this - it's absolutely perfect
 And finally, last but by no means least - a cushion cover - amazing with all of the different materials in it (I think my favourite is the one with blue and green splodges on it - the same as she used for the tortoise above. I can't wait to get a cushion to fill this and put it out. I can't decide whether it will go best in the study when it is all decorated so that I can lean on it in my new office chair or it might take pride of place on our spare bed when we have visitors over. We have a black and red quilt cover for in there that we use sometimes so it would go really well when we have that on.
 And finally for the big ta-dah! Here's everything that I received. I can't believe it - I'm so excited!!!!!
Watch out for the next post coming very soon - I'm going to put up all of the photos of everything that I made for my swap gifts - Hannah still hasn't received them or a letter from Royal Mail but hopefully the parcel will appear soon.

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