Thursday 16 May 2013

Last weeks project - Bedroom

And the reason that I haven't blogged in a couple of weeks - well that and the massive amount of college work that I have to do recently.

The story goes like this - a couple of weeks ago we had a long weekend here in England - bank holiday Monday is always a good idea and one that should happen a lot more often in my opinion. As we don't get these too often and with the fact that my husband had to work on the Saturday means that this seemed to be as good a time as any (Saturday evening) to go out and buy some paint samples from the DIY store so that we could paint little patches on our bedroom wall and leave the colours there for a few weeks while we decided which ones we liked best...

...ok so that really didn't happen. We painted the patches on the wall on the Saturday night, left them to dry until morning and woke up with the decision firmly made. Let project bedroom begin!
A few pots of paint, lots of filler and decorators calk, paint brushes, rollers and sandpaper later and we were ready to start. The first day of decorating is always pretty rubbish (from what everyone else seems to say as we've never decorated before!) and involved a lot of filling and sanding, filling and sanding and I swear the holes and dimples and mini cracks just keep appearing because there are still a few that we missed. We were most impressed with the out-y corners of the walls where there seemed to be some chunks missing when you started looking.

The ceiling was the next job but so difficult to tell if you had missed any bits.

I was shattered at the end of that first day and it’s just so frustrating because nothing really looked any different. The ceiling didn’t really change colour much when we went over it with the white and the walls just looked slightly flatter but worse than they did before. A good night’s sleep would do me good though.

What we had both sort-of-conveniently-(in some cases)-forgotten was that my husband also had to go out to work on the Monday as well for the full day.

Oh well, at least that meant that I could just be left to get on with it by myself. As we had decided that actually neither of the brown’s we had tested were actually the right brown I randomly found another burst of energy from somewhere in the evening and decided to go slightly mad and paint the brown wall with the final colour that we had chosen. No tester for this one – it was the only choice. I didn’t really want my husband to come back from work the following day and decide that the hated the colour I had just put all over the wall in our bedroom.
And a second coat went on the ceiling.

Then came the fun bit – painting the walls. As I was left to my own devices all day (besides a visit from my Mum and Dad to make me a cup of tea and provide moral support and sawing assistance – that part was from my Dad - for half an hour) there aren’t really too many pictures of the next stages. There was generally just a lot of paining went on. I was quite impressed with my straight line on this wall – as I have never done it before then beware it is a lot more difficult than it looks. I don’t think I’ll be choosing another feature wall anytime soon!
The cream walls still looked a little patchy even after 2 coats but one more should do the trick. 

Getting rid of those horrible windows above the door was definitely something that couldn’t happen quickly enough for me. I’m so glad that Dad came to cut the wood for me on the Monday. 

Everything was finally starting to come together and I think it was Tuesday/Wednesday night when the bed went back down and the wardrobe back in place. This couldn’t happen quickly enough for either of us I don’t think.

We had been sleeping amongst this: 

This is the entire contents of our bedroom and the spare bedroom all crammed into the one room.

And then everything suddenly started to come back together – it felt so good to get the bed back down and mattress back in place. 

The finishing touches – these were the bits that my husband was most proud of I think – this is the manly bit. The light switch works and everything! 

Ta-dah!!!! Yey! Well worth it. I love it now that it’s done. I sent the photos to my Mum and Dad in the evening when we had finished and she cried! They got home and Mum looked at my email whilst Dad was still sorting other things out – he came in to find my Mum in tears in the living room. I’m hoping that this was proud parent crying and not crying at the hideous-ness of it. They have said that they love it since so we are all very pleased. 
My cuddlies from when I was a baby are still allowed in here by my bed - my husband thought about not letting me keep them in here but then said that they are allowed as they are the right colours to match the rest of the room.
Lovely and cozy.

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